Ibrahim Sowunmi

Continuing the tradition of traveling with the boys to remote destinations for work and relaxation.

Seb's House

We decided to bunker down at one of the guys' houses for a week, which we used as a hub for our travels, keeping costs low. Our little swiss hub.

Zurich was really pretty—a very nicely designed city. Unlike other European cities, it was slightly more car-centric in terms of street layout. I had heard this before, so I was not surprised. If I earned a bajillion Swedish bucks, I'd want to flex in a car, not walk, so it makes sense. This is where old european money comes to hide.

The buildings were tall, everything was quite wide, and the weather was stunning. They have many public swimming pools in the city, split by gender, of course

Our host, who had been there for almost a year at this stage, took us to one of his gems: a castle converted into a thing? Gorgeous; Either way.

We rented a car and got a free upgrade courtesy of Salesforce. Lovely—thanks, Papa Benioff. We enjoyed a very nice drive down, appreciating the landscape. Funnily enough, the drive was one of my favorite parts of the trip. It's not often a bunch of men sit in a space and just talk about thoughts and feelings. It was nice seeing the scenery change from the cold Swedish weather to the warm, sunny area near Mosogno (close to Italy).

The Alps
Feeling it

I had to bring the durag to the Alps, dude.

Mosogno, Switzerland
Near the italian side

After arriving in Mosogno, we hiked to the chalet we were staying at. The hike to the chalet averaged an hour and a half. There were five guys, so we got semi-competitive with the hike down (and up). It was a challenging route but rewarded us with more pretty views. We got slightly lost the first time going there as well.

One of the activities we did was canyoning: jumping, sliding, and rappelling down a series of cliffs.

Not My Brightest

Which isn't a great idea when you aren't a strong swimmer. The canyoning guide definitely thought I was a little touched in the head.

Then a relaxing drive down to lugano for some tasty seafood and lounge.


After that, we drove down to Lugano, which is on the very border between Switzerland and Italy. It was close—"You take a dinghy halfway through the lake, and you're in Italy" type close.

At this point, the day was jam-packed, and we were exhausted. So, we returned to the chalet in style.

Lake Como

Then more activities the next day. We decided to take another trip to Italy, to Como. It's what the Instagram baddie within me would do. We also had some local cuisine.

Then, driving back down to Zurich after our time in the Alps came to a close. We partied a little; they got a bit racist, unfortunately, but fun was still had.

The Limmatt
Zurich River

Then more activities the next day. We decided to take another trip to Italy, to Como. It's what the Instagram baddie within me would do. We also had some local cuisine.

That flamingo was my patron saint. Thank you flamingo.